AHC® develops and manufactures innovative complementary feed products.
Our products include powerful phytogenic (plant-derived) growth promotors, as well as high-quality blends of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and the like.
We combine science with daily farm visits to create solutions that maximize your production and minimize antibiotic needs.
Find out what we have to offer for your livestock animals:
- Broiler Chickens
- Broiler Breeders
- Laying Hens
- Other Species
- Piglets
- Finisher Pigs
- Sows
- Fattening Bulls
- Calves
- Other Species
AHC®’s products can be added to the drinking water, liquid or dry feeds, (artificial) milk and/or as an oral drench. As such, there is always a way to improve your production.
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AHC® is focused on future-minded farming.
Enabling you, as a farmer, to: Maximize Your Production and Minimize Antibiotic Needs.
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